A Beautiful Eye

I discovered Bell'occhio (Italian for "beautiful eye") this week, a charming store in San Francisco which carries some of the most beautiful gifts and goods. Of course, I discovered the online version, which I'm sure is not nearly as magical as the actual shop. Sigh. It doesn't matter because I was wooed by numerous items in their Maison and Papeterie sections.

Finally I found the uber chic black chalkboard oilcloth that I first saw in Domino {RIP}. I can't wait to order this and put in on my dining room table.

What homespun cake wouldn't look wonderful on this "woodsie" faux bois cake stand?

Such a perfect little heart. True love my dear, true love.

I think eggs are one of nature's most perfect foods.
This porcelain carton gives these fragile orbs a proper home.